Knowing what to feed dogs can be a minefield, therefore this Blog aims to highlight five orange foods that you can share with your dog.
The Dog Witch makes it their mission to help confused owners be more confident when it comes to feeding time.
Knowing which foods are safe for dogs can also go a long way to protecting their health and overall wellbeing, The Healing Vet states that diet is everything.
It is true that a healthy gut is the first thing to aim for when trying to heal a dog’s body, therefore it should be something that owners strive for before illness occurs.
There are many foods which are safe for dogs to consume, in this Blog series, we will explore and highlight things which owners can feed with confidence.
First up are five orange foods that can be fed as part of a dog’s everyday diet.

Number One: Carrots
Carrots can be fed to dogs either raw or cooked and they have lots of nutritional benefits.
These natural wonders can be used as part of a dog’s daily diet, this is great as carrots are cheap and very easy to get hold of.
Carrots make a great natural snack; they can be fed raw as they come, or can be boiled in some slated water and then frozen to make a tasty chew treat.
The brine can be saved for cooking meals later too.
Health benefits of carrots include:
- Improved/ protection of eyesight – rich in beta-carotene
- Improved dental health
- Aids digestion
- Full of vitamins
- Low in calories and fat
- Supports immune system
- Good for healthy coat and skin

Number Two: Butternut Squash
Butternut Squash is a vine grown vegetable, which has a smooth nutty taste, similar to pumpkin.
This powerhouse has so many nutritional benefits that it is recommended to part of a dog’s regular diet.
As it is low in calories and fat, it makes a tasty alternative to dog treats and a great addition to mealtimes.
Benefits of Butternut Squash include:
- Improved vision
- Protects the immune system
- Improved cardiovascular functions
- Full of vitamins and minerals
- Healthy skin
- Shiny Coat

Number Three: Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a fantastic addition to a dog’s diet as they are high in fibre and provide huge health boosting benefits.
These orange wonders should be fed to dogs in moderation or as an occasional treat.
Dogs should only eat cooked sweet potatoes as raw could lead to intestinal blockages.
Benefits of sweet potatoes include:
- Encourages healthy bowel movements
- Can alleviate constipation or diarrhoea, depending on the fibre type
- Full of vitamins and minerals
- Helps keep healthy eyes, muscles and bones
- Full of antioxidants
- Aids nervous system function
- Sooths irritations
- Aids the development and function of the heart
- Contains calcium

Number Four: Oranges
Oranges are safe to feed to dogs as an occasional treat, however for those dogs with diabetes, a Vet should be consulted beforehand.
Owners should be aware to only offer the fleshy part of an orange as the skin can contain toxins, which can be harmful for dogs.
They are full of healthy vitamins and nutrients making them an ideal tasty snack.
Benefits of oranges include:
- Low in sodium
- Full of healthy vitamins
- Sweet and refreshing
- Immune boosting
- Increases energy levels

Number Five: Tumeric
Turmeric is an amazing food to add to any dog’s diet as it is packed with health boosting qualities.
Dogs can consume turmeric daily as part of a healthy balanced diet.
Not only does it help support the health and overall wellbeing of dogs throughout their lives, but it can also help protect and fight against illness as they get older.
The benefits of Turmeric are:
- Reduces inflammation
- Eases pain
- Improves digestion
- Can help prevent/ fight cancer
- Improves cognitive function
- Promotes healthy skin and coat
So, there you have it, these five fantastic orange foods can help boost dog’s overall health and wellbeing and help prevent illness as they get older.
Introducing new foods always comes with a risk, so to avoid irritation or allergic reaction, it is advisable to offer these foods one at a time in very small quantities and see how the dog’s body reacts.
Should you require any advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
See you on the next Blog
Lisa, Zane and Zak
Team Dog Witch xxx